How Much Does Digital Asset Management Software Cost?

Jen Neary
Written by: Jen Neary
Posted on: January 2022
How Much Does Digital Asset Management Software Cost?

Identifying price ranges of DAM platforms is easier said than done as most software providers don’t publish their full range of pricing plans to be easily available. And, with good reason since plans tend to fluctuate based on case-to-case needs. 

Luckily, we can identify some pricing averages thanks to an anonymous survey conducted with DAM providers. DAM solutions are usually split into two categories, on-premise (otherwise known as non-hosted) and Cloud-based. On-premise means that the software is managed on a customer's servers thus requiring a great deal more maintenance and storage on the customer’s end. Cloud-based pricing tends to be more expensive but the software is vastly easier to manage as the provider takes care of all aspects.

Average DAM Prices Hosted Non- Hosted
$51,999 X  
$71,746   X


What Factors Influence The Cost Of A DAM? 

The costs of a DAM system can vary widely based on many factors related to your company's needs. 

Some key considerations that impact DAM pricing include:

  1. Number of digital assets
    The number of assets you need to manage is often a major factor in determining the cost. More assets require more storage, more user licenses, higher bandwidth usage, etc.

  2. Number of users
    Most DAM systems are priced based on the number of user licenses. More users means higher licensing fees.

  3. Integration needs
    Integrating DAM with external tools (e.g. Canva, Adobe Suite, WordPress, etc) often incurs additional integration and customization fees.

  4. Custom Services
    The more time a DAM provider needs to spend to help with onboarding, user training, customization, etc the higher the total price will reach. 

  5. Features
    All digital asset management tools provide for the storage, organization, search, and downloading of content. From that base level, features can add a lot of complexity (and value) to a system. Advanced metadata tools, analytics, editing tools, workflow tools, machine learning, and lots of integrations make for more expensive systems. This is why it’s important to make sure you aren’t purchasing a platform or plan that is more powerful than your needs require. 
The specifics of your use case and requirements will determine where your pricing ultimately lands. Consulting with DAM vendors to match the right solution to your needs is advised.

Tips For DAM Shopping

If you’ve determined a DAM is something you need, it can be tricky to know how to start the buying process. Going into the selection process understanding the challenges your company is facing, an idea of what kind of features you may want, a budget, and an open mindset will make the shopping process as easy as possible. 

  1. Be Need Driven
    Vendors can be exceptionally helpful in providing guidance and recommendations however they are not deeply involved with the day-to-day workings of your company. Make sure you can articulate your issues to help identify what kind of features might be helpful from a DAM. Understanding how other teams within your company might benefit from implementing a DAM solution can also help ensure the process goes smoothly and you end up with the right platform. 
  1. Provide A Budget
    Having a solid budget can help speed up the process and narrow your options. Whether it is $500, $5,000, or $50,000 there are options to fit each range. 
  1. Ask for a price!
    Don’t waste your time with someone trying to make you jump through hoops. If a vendor is unwilling to give you at least a broad range of prices early on in conversations, then you have to question their commitment to transparency. Vendors willing to be upfront once they understand your needs are a green flag for a positive working relationship down the road. 
As a DAM solution ourselves we know how important it is that companies choose the option that is the best fit for them. Why are we so interested? Because we want everyone to benefit from all that digital asset management software has to offer! Feel free to reach out to us with further questions about pricing for DAM software. 

Jen Neary
Written by: Jen Neary
Posted on: January 2022